Friday, June 18, 2010

A wonderful place for those who are wonderfully made.

Ps. 139:14  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

                                                                                      Lindsey with the "heroes" of the park.
I thought of this verse once again when we were on vacation this past week.  We spent a couple of days at Morgan’s Wonderland, which is a park dedicated totally to those with special needs.

You see, our daughter has cerebral palsy, which limits some of the things she is able to do, but at Morgan’s Wonderland she is able to ride all the rides and play with all the exciting things they have there.  She said this was the best day ever for her.  It was a joy to watch her enjoy so many things, as it was a joy to watch the other kids that were there as well.                                                     

My daughter has questioned us about why she has disabilities and why she is not like other kids.  I don’t know if you have ever had to answer those questions, but they are tough to answer.  I told her that God made her special just for us and that He has a perfect plan for her life.

So I just want to let you know, that you to are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God has a plan for your life.  So, no matter what you feel like your limitations are remember God made you just the way you are.

If you would like to know more about Morgan’s Wonderland you look them up at their website or you can check out the upcoming People Magazine as they told us they will be featured in the magazine that week.  You can also check out their Facebook page.
Lindsey with the train conductor.  He is one of the many wonderful employees and volunteers at Morgan's Wonderland.

1 comment:

  1. I just made my 4th visit to Morgan's Wonderland last Friday. I have a long post with many photos linked on my blog (top of middle column).

    Encouraging all who can to visit!
