The storms are raging tonight in Oklahoma. There has been rain, hail, tornados, and flooding throughout the state. Being native Oklahomans, we have been out on the porch watching the storm pass all around us. Our 11 year old daughter has had her "preparedness backpack" out for hours and keeps asking when we should take cover. My husband and I have gotten used to the storms, and though we stay informed, we have found other things to do besides worry and fret.
Sometimes this can happen in life. Sometimes the storms can be raging all around us. We can be consumed with all of the things happening around us. We can worry and fret. We can let the storms overtake us so that all we are focusing on is the storm around us. God can calm your storm as He did for the disciples in the ship, but it isn't always His intention. Sometimes He calms us.
Sometimes we need to let go, put our faith in Him and let the storms continue to rage. Sometimes we need to get to a place that we have no other choice except for to completely rely on Him. He could calm the storm, but maybe the storm is teaching us and shaping us into the person He wants us to be.
Psalms 46:10(a) NIV - "Be still and know that I am God."
The NASB says it this way: "Cease striving and know that I am God."
So next time the storms of life are raging around you and there seems to be no end to them, quit placing your worry into the storm. Instead place your faith in Him and your storm will begin to look different. Be still, cease striving and know that He is God.
I have heard this quote many times: "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." - Unknown
I have that quote hanging above my bed and do my best to live by it. I have found no other way to live by that quote than to have faith in God.