Thursday, November 26, 2009

Try Thanksgiving

**TRY THANKSGIVING...  (reposted from AG News

Following are a few brief excerpts from articles written in the
"Pentecostal Evangel" by leaders of decades past on the topic of
thanksgiving. We hope they prove to be an encouragement and help to
you this Thanksgiving Day and throughout the year.
--AG News

PRAISE CHANGES THINGS by Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman ­ November 24, 1934

... We found that prayer and praise are the two wings that mount the
soul upwards to God. Prayer asks, praise takes, or brings the answer.
I fancy that someone is saying right here, "I have prayed, but I do
not feel like praising God. Praise in the valley of the shadow?
Praise when my heart is bleeding and torn? Tell me rather to weep!
How can I praise God at such a time?"

"Sacrifice ... the sacrifice of thanksgiving" is to praise God when
you are depressed and despondent, when your life is covered with
thick clouds and darkness, for it is acceptable to God, a "sweet
smelling savor to your Lord and King." While we are admonished to
"pray without ceasing," are we not also commanded to "rejoice
evermore"? "This is the will of God concerning you."

... Praise has a wonderful lifting power, and we need not be anxious
about the outcome of things if we will take the attitude of
deliverance and begin to praise.

... Try thanksgiving. Praise changes things.

THE THERAPY OF THANKSGIVING by Thos. F. Zimmerman   November 18, 1979

... When difficulties arise, there is sometimes a tendency to
neglect worship and thanksgiving and to concentrate on petition
alone. This is an unfortunate neglect. Focusing on problems without
remembering God's blessings and faithfulness results in forfeiture
of peace. Remembering past blessings results in the confidence that
God who has not failed His people in the past will not fail them now.

... We can all rejoice that in our country one day has been set
apart in the year to remind us to be grateful. But thanksgiving
should be more than an annual experience. It should be a daily

... When we make a conscious effort to appreciate our blessings
fully, we will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Our faith will
be built up. Our problems will appear in proper perspective. Anxiety
will be replaced by the peace of God that passes all understanding.
And God will be glorified.

THANKSGIVING IS NOT A HOLIDAY by Glen D. Cole, November 22, 1992

... I have a grandson by the name of Caleb. He was by my side in the
car after a Sunday evening service on the way to a restaurant.
Everyone was quiet until he put his cheek by mind and said into my
ear, "Grandpa, I really do love you." I felt like giving him the
world. He had told me that he loved me before, but he had never used
the word really until this particular night. It was special.

As we drove in silence, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: "Why
don't you tell God the same thing more often?" It was a sermon I
shall never forget.

I choose to be a thankful, rejoicing person. It glorifies God and
keeps the devil away from my doorstep.

May throughout the land there arise a cry, "I choose to be thankful.
I will make thanksgiving a way of life, not just a holiday."

--Articles provided courtesy of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage
Center (

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