Sunday, August 2, 2009

God's Favor - 5/27/09

In my bible reading last night I was reading Psalm 30. Verse 5 stuck out to me. That God’s favor lasts a lifetime. I really like that.
Psalm 30:5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime;

I looked up the word favor in the dictionary. Here are just a couple of the definitions.

Something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
Friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.
The state of being approved or held in regard: to be in favor at court; styles that are now in favor.
Excessive kindness or unfair partiality; preferential treatment: to treat some people with favor and others with neglect.

I like all of those definitions and I need those from God. I was also reminded of another verse when I started meditating on Psalm 30. It is found in Micah.

Micah 7:18 Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

If we will walk before God in righteousness, and learn to have a repentant heart. I believe that God will bestow His favor upon us. I really like the prayer that Brenda introduced to the church a couple of weeks ago.

I walk in favor with God today, The favor of god surrounds me. The favor of God goes before me; It opens doors no man can close. It changes rules, regulations, policies and procedures on my behalf. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

I believe for God’s favor to be upon us all!!!

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