Monday, June 28, 2010

Jesus in the boat.

Mark 6:45-52

I was reading this account of when Jesus walks on water, preparing for a sermon and I had this thought. Here was the disciples trying to get to the other side, but was having all kinds of troubles and difficulty.  Even though they were in God’s will they were struggling, but in verse 51 as soon as Jesus gets in the boat the wind ceased.

I am sure that we have all been there at one time or another.  We know that we are in the will of God, yet the storms of life are raging around us.  Sometimes we lose our focus and allow ourselves to become troubled with the trials and situations going on around us.  We begin to look at our storm, focus on the things being scattered on the winds, and lose sight of what we need the most.

It is not until we invite Jesus into our situation that the wind or trouble will cease.   In this account Jesus was going to pass them by, and that almost happens because they are so focused on their problems, but they cry out and Jesus gets in the boat.  Could it be that we could be in the middle of God’s will for our lives, but experiencing difficulty in doing God’s will because we haven’t allowed Jesus to get into the boat with us?

Life is a whole lot easier when Jesus is in the boat.

1 comment:

  1. Very good reminders here: Stop obsessing about the storm and turn your eyes to God. Amen.

