Monday, June 7, 2010

Are you a complainer?

How does God expect us to behave?

Phil 2:14-15  Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.

 Is God really in control of our lives and situations we find ourselves in? If so, why do we complain and argue every time something happens to us that we don’t like or understand?  

I am reminded of the Israelites who after being led out of Egypt by the hand of God. They soon began to complain to Moses because they didn’t have any food or water, but God provided that for them.  They then complained that they didn’t like the food they were eating, so God provided meat for them.  It seemed like they were not happy about anything, and wanted to go back to Egypt where they were slaves.  God was in control and yet all they did was complain about everything.

Then there is Joseph.  He had a dream from God, but his brothers didn’t like him  They wanted to kill him, but instead sold him into slavery.  God had other plans and  uses him in Potiphar’s house.  Then Potiphar’s wife accuses him of rape and he is thrown into prison.  While there, God uses him to interpret dreams for the butler and baker of Pharaoh.  The butler and baker get out of prison, their dreams come to pass just like Joseph said.  The butler soon forgets about Joseph, until Pharaoh has a dream that can’t be interpreted.  The butler then remembers Joseph and they bring him from prison.  Joseph interprets the dream for Pharaoh and he places Joseph as second in command. 
It is never recorded that Joseph ever complained  even one time.  I don’t know about you, but I have to repent when I think about that.  God help me to be like Joseph even when things don’t go like I think they should. Help me to see that God is really in control and I need to behave Joseph did.

Image Courtesy aturkus


  1. Joseph is one of my favorite characters in the Bible. I am sure that he wasn't perfect, but the only discrepancy that I can see in the bible is some childish immaturity in his relationship with his brothers. Which means that his life is marked by integrity. Think of all of the emotions that this young boy would have had to deal with: isolation from his family, being a slave to foreigners, and betrayal from his brothers. These only scratch the surface. And as you say, he accepted his path in life and trusted God and eventually forgave his brothers and was reunited with his family. This would be a great legacy for any of us to leave.

  2. I think that is the whole key, "to see that God is really in control." Along with that as we see that God really is a loving God who always does what is for our good and His glory, we can trust Him more. The cure for complaining is to recognize the sovereignty of God and the love of God. When you put those two together, what could we ever complain about? --Richard

  3. I'm guilty of being a sometime complainer but only ever at minor things that really don't matter.

    The old adage of "if you've nothing good to say then say nothing" still applies and it's one I am very much continually learning to live by. Trouble is nowadays I'm more like Gideon and cowering away in a corner rather than say anything.

    This post serves to remind me that service is good. Uncomplaining service is better. But uncomplaining service with a righteous outcome and a right heart is better still. And if that can be accomplished by being "forthright with our views" then why shouldn't that also be the case?
