Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lost Things

Ok, you ever had one of those days where it seems like everything goes wrong? Yesterday I was reminded of a sermon my brother preached years ago, called "Lost Things”. You see yesterday I lost my keys, and I had never done that before (honestly). And I was upset, mad you might say. And I looked everywhere tried to remember where I might of lost them at. I went out of my way, spent time and energy looking for my keys. I asked questions, asked for help and probably looked foolish. But I had to find my keys.

You see we seek for things according to their value. The more value, the harder we seek. What about spiritual things? If we have lost something do we seek for it, like it is something valuable?

Luke 19:10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Jesus is looking to do something. He is seeking.

Save: sozo = make whole (spiritually, physically and mentally) restore anything lacking.

Lost: apollumi = not just people, but it can mean things. Matt.10:42. Not just lost but destroyed, broken or not working.

Notice not “them” but “that”. So Jesus has come to make whole and restore anything that’s lacking, been lost, or not working properly. It’s God’s will that we find and receive back anything that we’ve lost. So if you have lost something, turn to Jesus. He wants to restore those things that are missing or lost.

Oh, and by the way. I found my keys!!! Thank you Jesus.

Photo Courtesy: Serghei Stargus

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