This is where He also reminds them that they do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
And after that God tells them about the land He is bringing them into. It was going to be a land where there was plenty of food, water and all kinds of minerals or materials.
This chapter spoke to me in this way.
God is asking us to keep His commandments. In other words we are to be doers of the Word of God and not just hearers.
God has taken care of us up to this point. He has never let us down.
We must always put the Word of God first in our lives. No matter what. We don’t live by the things of the world, but by every word of God.
God is taking us to a new place. A place where there is abundance. Just like the Israelites. God wants to take His people to a place of abundance and a place that overflows. God wants to take us to a place of life.
I know that God wants to take you to that place. If you will just keep His Word and follow Him. We have received a couple of different prophetic words that God is taking us to a place of abundance. We just simply say “Yes God”. How about you?

Ronnie and Wendy in Bratislava,Slovakia. Photo © Wendy Spoon, All rights reserved.
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