1. The church is under persecution and the world seems to be happy about it. The enemy is always happy when the church has problems and is under persecution.
2. Peter seems to have peace, when it looks like his life is about to be over. (We can have perfect peace no matter what we are facing.)
3. God brings deliverance just in time. And it is supernatural deliverance. We have to get that in our minds and our spirits that we serve a supernatural God. I heard this said by Kenneth Hagin “We miss the supernatural because we are always looking for the spectacular.”
4. The church was praying about Peter, but when Peter showed up at the door the people praying didn’t think it was really peter. Now that is a problem, it seems like the church really didn’t believe their prayers. Could this be what is going on in our own churches and our own personal prayer lives? Prayer works, lets believe God when we pray.
5. If you don’t give God the glory it will cost you. All glory belongs to God. He is the Almighty God.
6. God’s word grew, in fact it multiplied. It reminds me of Romans 5:20 But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: I pray that all your churches and ministries abound more and more into the grace of God and for your church and ministries to multiply.

Photo Courtesy: http://www.dreamstime.com/yoyo1972_info
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